At North Heights Christian Church our vision is to be a loving church, learning, living, teaching and sharing the Word of God with you and all we come in contact with.

Our mission is to be an active church that glorifies God by teaching, training and encouraging all people to serve in the church and community.

North Heights Church is affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). which also includes the National Convocation, & the Christian Church in Kansas

Teaching people to (KNOW)

Know and proclaim God’s Word by empowerment and inspiration of the Holy Spirit to all people.

*Know who God is; why we love God; and why God loves us. 
*Understand how important we are to God.
*Pray, praise, worship, and study God’s word. 

Training people to (SHOW)

*Use scripture for living, witnessing and testifying.
*Develop leadership skills and share these skills so that a leadership generation is raised within the church.
*Use the resources available within the church and community to help them build a personal relationship with God. 

Encouraging people to (GO)

*Show love through forgiveness, respect, and acceptance of differences.
*Commit to keeping Jesus as “the example”
*Discover their God-given talents and use them for vital ministries within the church and community.

Click here to read more about Kansas Disciples of Christ: Kansasdisciples.org

Wednesday night Book club cancelled tonight, 2/2/22, due to inclement weather!

Book Study has been cancelled for Wednesday, 3/16/22!

Pastor Mendez’s ordination will be held, June 19th @3pm. We hope to see you there!
There will be no Sunday School or Morning worship service, on June 19th!

Please join us on Sunday, 12/11/22, for our annual Sunday School Christmas program, at 9:30AM.  A fellowship dinner will be held Immediately following morning worship service!

Sunday, October 30th, please wear pink and/or purple in support of breast cancer and domestic violence month!

Please join us on Sunday, February 26, 2023, @9:45am and 10:45am, as Dr. Galyn Vesey will discuss the Dockum Sit-in!

ATTENTION all women!   There will be a CWF planning meeting on Saturday, February 25th at 10am. We will be planning for the 5th Wednesday, that NHCC will be hosting. See you Saturday!

REMINDER: RSVP to attend the Wichita Wind Surge "Faith and Family" night by Tuesday, 6/21/22, by e-mailing the church at nhcc67219@gmail.com.