Fun, Food, and Fellowship as we celebrated Resurrection Sunday….beginning with our Sunday School Program, followed by a delicious brunch, and culminating with our morning worship service!

Happy Easter 2024
Fun, Food, and Fellowship as we celebrated Resurrection Sunday….beginning with our Sunday School Program, followed by a delicious brunch, and culminating with our morning worship service!
Happy Easter 2024
Pastor Mendez’s ordination will be held, June 19th @3pm. We hope to see you there!
There will be no Sunday School or Morning worship service, on June 19th!
Please join us on Sunday, 12/11/22, for our annual Sunday School Christmas program, at 9:30AM. A fellowship dinner will be held Immediately following morning worship service!
Sunday, October 30th, please wear pink and/or purple in support of breast cancer and domestic violence month!
Please join us on Sunday, February 26, 2023, @9:45am and 10:45am, as Dr. Galyn Vesey will discuss the Dockum Sit-in!